
build a better world into your bids

Supporting clients of all sizes in achieving netzero, we have developed the ecorescue toolkit, offering a pathway for businesses to establish baselines and carbon management plans.

The toolkit enables clients to focus on high-impact areas & implement practical improvements while ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory, & policy obligations. You can baseline carbon emissions, identify sustainability impacts & develop carbon reduction plans. Incorporate green compliance into your bid responses.

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what we offer

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emissions calculation and toolkit

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Carbon Reduction Planning

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strategic reduction support in reducing carbon emissions

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baseline your annual journey to net-zero

carbon reduction plans gain a competitive edge

stand out from the compeition

A well-developed and robust Carbon Reduction Plan can significantly enhance a bidder's chances of winning public sector contracts. It demonstrates a bidder's commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability, aligning with the values and objectives of the procuring organisation.

Bidders with comprehensive CRPs not only meet the mandatory requirements but also stand out from the competition, showcasing their dedication to environmental stewardship

Crafting a thorough and impactful Carbon Reduction Plan is a sophisticated process. ebida's ecorescue tools provide essential support to bidders throughout the public procurement process, covering all aspects, including the development of CRPs.

Our tools assist bidders in collecting the crucial data needed to establish their baseline emissions and evaluate their existing carbon footprint. This step is particularly challenging and labour-intensive for many SME bidders, and our resources aim to simplify and streamline this process.

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Carbon reduction plan and net zero commitment requirements for the procurement of NHS goods, services 




To ensure the Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) requirements are extended in a proportionate and relevant manner to all procurements from April 2024 the policy is applied in a two-tiered approach. Extending the policy in a two-tiered approach ensures the majority of NHS suppliers are advancing along the NHS net zero supplier roadmap and supports suppliers to take early steps to prepare for future roadmap milestones.

From April 2024, a tiered approach applies as follows:

a) full CRP, as defined in the section “CRP Requirements”, is required for procurements of high value (£5m per annum exc. VAT and above) and new frameworks operated by in-scope organisations, irrespective of the value of the contract, where relevant and proportionate to the framework.

b) Net Zero Commitment, as defined in the section “Net Zero Commitment – Requirements”, is required for procurements of lower value (below £5m per annum exc. VAT and above £10k exc. VAT).

Measure your Carbon Emissions

In our world today, where environmental awareness is more crucial than ever, the emphasis on sustainability and reducing carbon emissions has become a key priority. The public sector is at the forefront of this movement, making substantial strides to align procurement processes with environmental objectives.

Consequently, companies bidding on significant government contracts must now demonstrate their commitment to sustainability through a well-defined Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP). This requirement ensures that all partners in public projects are working towards collective environmental goals.

Procurement Policy Note 06/21: Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts


ecorescue toolkit

ecorescue briefing
Meet and discuss the information you will need to build your emissions report & get you bid-ready.

carbon reduction survey
Issue and collate your organisation and staff activity that consumes emissions.

baseline your carbon footprint
Baseline emission calculations for your Carbon Reduction Plan These calculations provide a starting point for measuring progress and understanding the organisation's current carbon footprint.

measure current emissions
Provide an up-to-date picture of your current Emissions Dashboard

develop plan objectives to net-zero
Use the outputs from your carbon foot-printing process and from your environmental management outputs in line with the requirements of Procurement Policy Note 06/21.Draft your Carbon Reduction Plan for review and declaration by a Director.

carbon reduction workshop
Review your Carbon usage and develop a plan to get to net-zero by 2050


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