EB0026. Welcome to your Framework. What happens now?
10 October 2023

EB0026. Welcome to your Framework. What happens now?

Congratulations! You've gotten onto a framework! So, what comes next? Now comes the exciting part. You've worked hard to qualify for a framework contract; now make it work for you. Here are some helpful hints to get you started.

1.      Make your presence known. You're now on a framework list alongside a slew of other vendors. Don't sit around waiting for opportunities to come to you. Develop relationships with the stakeholders of the Buying Organization. Be at the forefront of your buyer's mind when the time comes to cancel the contract.

2.      Maintain the relationship's vitality. Contact your points of contact whenever possible. Don't be afraid to ask them what's coming up. Are there any upcoming mini-competitions? What will they do with their framework? Who else is it worthwhile to talk to? Plan meetings or, if supplier relationship meetings are included in the contract, make sure to attend them..

3.      Keep yourself fresh on the terms of the contract? Does it require the Buyers to engage the market, or can they call off with individual suppliers?

4.      Keep your pricing up to date. You could be asked to turn around a price within a very short space of time. Be ready for it.